Resources To Help Develop Your Children Through Play

52 Ways to Play 



Sensory Play with Sensory Trays eBook


Early Years Maths Play Pack eBook


From the blog

How do children play and learn at the same time

Why does it need to be play OR learn? It doesn’t! Why do so many parents and teachers think that play is bonus, or extra, after they’ve learned? Children play and learn at the same time.

Sensory Play:
Why we
LOVE it!

The benefits of sensory play are HUGE and I mean HUGE! There are so many articles out there, both researched and anecdotal, that will give you a multitude of reasons for engaging in sensory play.

Why we won't buy our kids all the "Stuff"

I have had this topic on my heart for a while and I have finally found the words to share it.

The Benefits of Creating

We know that plenty of kids out there love creating art because it’s fun, but what is it actually doing for their brains? Here are a few fantastic benefits!

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