
Early Years Maths Play Pack

Printable maths activities perfect for young minds aged 2-7

Fun and engaging activities
Minimal preparation
Provides familiarity of Early Years Maths concepts
Refines fine motor skills
Develops positive attitudes towards Maths
Reduces screen time

The Magic of the Maths Play Pack...

Attitudes around Maths are developed at a young age and are usually mirrored in the adults who care for these children. 

This is why it is imperative that families spend the time engaging in Maths play. 

This eBook will give you a great head start to your Maths journey in the home. There are many simple activities for you to follow with your child. 

Print the pages out and put them in a display folder! They can be transported with you to cafes, holidays or outings! Collect the materials you need and you're all set!

Get started with your Maths play journey now!




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