Making friends and maintaining beautiful friendships may be easy for some. But for some kids (and adults) developing and nurturing good quality relationships doesn’t always come so easy!
So I’d like to spend the next little while sharing some great reads that teach kids about friendship!


Be a Friend is the beautiful story about a young boy who loves to mime. He’s looking for a friend who will appreciate such an interesting talent!
He’s finding it really hard, until he meets a girl who loves his miming!
She is his perfect friendship match!
This story is excellent for kids who feel a little different and need extra encouragement to put themselves out there and make friends! Perfect for the shy ones, this book makes my heart smile!


So this story is a little bit different… but I really like it anyway. Sometimes kids have imaginary friends. But this imaginary friend is looking for it’s human! I found this book really cute and creative. It’s a beautiful story about friendship… even if it’s the imaginary kind.
Might be a nice story to get the little ones to think outside the box and prompt a good writing piece!

This book gets an A+ for showing kids the true meaning of care.
Boy and Bot are unlikely friends who meet in the woods. They have a great time playing together. But when Bot gets sick (he runs out of power), Boy tries to fix him. Then when Boy gets sick, Bot tries to fix him!
It’s a really beautiful story about 2 friends and how they look after eachother in the best way they know how! And the pictures are absolutely fantastic! They really compliment the story well!

You could talk to your child about the ways they could help a sick or sad friend. Make a list, draw pictures and do role plays so they can practise their skills in this area. It will be a valuable tool for their life I’m sure!



Poor Brian is a quiet boy and goes unnoticed at school. That absolutely breaks my heart. But when the new boy starts, Brian makes an effort to welcome him. Through school projects, these two boys work together and develop a beautiful friendship. They begin to shine at school throughout the process too!
A lovely and uplifting story.

Louise and Andie are neighbours and they both love art! But they realise just because they share interests it doesn’t mean that their friendship doesn’t need work! Read this to your little ones to show that even the most beautiful friendships may not be easy, but can still be fabulous! ?
We’ve all been there!!

This story is such a lovely reminder that some people long for good friends! Ray Bot goes searching for a particular type of friend, but along the way he finds many others who are wonderful friends too! Open your eyes to all people and what they have to offer! Maybe someone unexpected is the perfect fit for you!
I love how kids have this organic way of building relationships. Its so natural and innocent. Maybe its actually us adults that need to open up?


I hope you found something helpful! 🙂